Physiological nutrition in lowing down the ageing processes.


  Test result

This is the first comprehensive genetic/biochemical study in the world to check the overall condition of healthy women aged 35+, which revealed the following:

by 19%

  •  slowing down of the ageing processes,
  •  reducing the risk of disease occurrence,

NucleVital®Q10COMPLEX – comprehensive, unique, irreplaceable, EFFECTIVE.


  7 parameters of youth and longevity

The SIRT-1 gene is responsible for preventing the occurrence of mutations (damage) in the body, while the SIRT-2 gene – for extending the cell replication (copying) ability. Telomerase protects the DNA against shortening, i.e. the loss of genetic information, whereas the BDNF is responsible for the flow of signals between cells. The action of these factors has a crucial impact on the biological age, mental and physical performance, as well as the life expectancy of humans.

Oxidative stress is the cause of numerous diseases, including chronic conditions. This is also the main cause of accelerated ageing of the human body. The study results demonstrated a very significant increase in the parameters related to body protection against oxidative stress (SOD – superoxide dismutase – the enzyme responsible for the disintegration of the superoxide radical, total plasma antioxidant capacity) and, as a consequence, a decrease in lipid peroxidation.

The study results confirmed that the human body has a great strength of its internal defence mechanisms which are simply irreplaceable. However, for them to work in full swing and produce the effects demonstrated in this study, they must be properly built on a daily basis by building and precursor substances.


  The impact of NucleVital®Q10COMPLEX on the vitamin D3 (25-OH-D3 ng/ml) level

According to the European group of scientists (EMAS), as much as 70% of Europeans (mainly those residing in Northern, Central and Eastern Europe) suffer from significant vitamin D3 deficiencies. Instead of the 30–90 ng/ml blood vitamin D3 levels recommended by experts, most of us have the concentration of only 10–20 ng/ml. The recommended minimum dose is 2,000 IU (international units) of vitamin D3 per day.

By measuring the level of vitamin D3 in the group of female subjects, we confirmed what has been commonly known: most of the population has serious deficiencies of vitamin D3.

The average vitamin D3 levels before supplementation amounted to 16 ng/ml, which is significantly below the minimum value of 30 ng/ml. After a 3-month supplementation of 1,200 IU of vitamin D3 per day, the level of vitamin D3 was increased by as much as 80% – to the value of 28 ng/ml. However, the value was still below normal.


  he impact of NucleVital®Q10COMPLEX on sirtuin-1 production

The SIRT-1 gene prevents mutations in the body, i.e. damage to the genetic material. Before the study, the SIRT-1 gene expression in the study group of female subjects aged 35+ was 7% lower than in the control group of twenty-year-old women.

Using NucleVital®Q10COMPLEX for 84 days resulted in a 15% increase of the SIRT-1 gene expression in the group of women aged 35+, exceeding the expression of this gene by as much as 22% compared to the control group.


  The impact of NucleVital®Q10COMPLEX on sirtuin-2 production

The SIRT-2 gene responsible for extending the cell replication (copying) ability. Before the study, the SIRT-2 gene expression in the study group of female subjects aged 35+ was 6% lower than in the control group.

Using NucleVital®Q10COMPLEX for 84 days resulted in a 17% increase of the SIRT-2 gene expression in the group of women aged 35+, exceeding the expression of this gene by as much as 11% compared to the control group.


  The impact of NucleVital®Q10COMPLEX on telomerase concentration

Telomerase protects telomeres against shortening and hence against the loss of genetic information. The shortening of telomeres to a certain limit value leads to cell death. The inhibition of telomere loss (thanks to high telomerase activity) protects the life cycle of cells, and hence of the entire body, against shortening. Before the study, the telomerase level in the study group of female subjects aged 35+ was 2% lower than in the control group.

Using NucleVital®Q10COMPLEX for 84 days resulted in a 31% increase of the telomerase concentration level in the group of women aged 35+, exceeding the level of this enzyme by as much as 33% compared to the control group.


  The impact of NucleVital®Q10COMPLEX on the BDNF level.

BDNF is responsible for the proper flow of signals between cells and the improvement of the so-called mental acuity. Numerous studies demonstrate the correlation between serum BDNF concentration levels and the risk of neuro-psychiatric disorders or neurological diseases.

Changes in the expression of this neurotrophin in the central nervous system promote exacerbation of the symptoms of such diseases as depression, schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder, anorexia, bulimia, epilepsy, autism, Rett’s syndrome, and type-2 diabetes. Moreover, neurodegenerative diseases such as Huntington’s and Alzheimer’s disease are related to impaired transmission of signals by the BDNF.

Before the study, the BDNF level in the study group of female subjects aged 35+ was 10% lower than in the reference group. Using NucleVital®Q10COMPLEX for 84 days resulted in a 15% increase of the BDNF level in the group of women aged 35+, exceeding the level of this protein by as much as 25% compared to the control group.


  The female participants’ self-esteem

The impact of NucleVital®Q10COMPLEX on the overall condition of the body – participants’ self-esteem results

In 2010, the first expert study was performed using NucleVital®Q10COMPLEX. The experts in the study included 52 pharmacists from different regions of Poland, who had been taking 4 capsules of the preparations per day for 2 months, observing the spectacular changes in the overall condition of their body, such as improved performance, well-being and appearance.

During the above-mentioned clinical trial, the female participants taking 6 capsules of NucleVital®Q10COMPLEX per day also performed self-assessment of the product’s effectiveness on their own bodies. As in the expert study, the parameters under assessment included, amongst others, performance, well-being and appearance. Not only did the observation confirm the results obtained earlier in the expert study, but it also demonstrated their significant improvement in a number of aspects.


  Study publication

We are proud to present the results of the first comprehensive genetic/biochemical study in the world, conducted on humans, assessing the impact of the NucleVital®Q10COMPLEX dietary supplement on slowing down the ageing processes.

The study was conducted by a panel of scientists composed of:

  • Prof. Janusz Szemraj from the Department of Medical Biochemistry at the Medical University of Łódź
  • Prof. Grzegorz Bartosz, Department of Molecular Biophysics, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection at the University of Łódź
  • The Science, Research and Development Department at MARINEX International

See the original publication »»


  Study description

Study group: 66 healthy female participants aged 35–55 years, who supplemented their diet with 6 capsules of NucleVital®Q10COMPLEX per day.

Reference group: 34 women at the age of 25 years, not taking the supplement.

Duration of the study: 12 weeks.


  Source of the effect

The effects arising out of using NucleVital®Q10COMPLEX are produced physiologically by the body. This means that they cannot be achieved in any other way. For their production, the body needs to activate concrete physiological processes that require relevant substances. And hence the resulting effects are so significant and multi-directional. This translates into significantly greater strength of the body as well as better effectiveness in saving patients’ life and health.


  Effectiveness assessment of the preparations’ action in patients with flu

Health assessment of patients after 7 days of therapy.

A 50% reduction of the infection time and immediate recovery.

Summary of 2 studies: Each of the two simultaneous medical studies encompassed 40 patients with acute viral infection of the upper respiratory tract (20 in each of the study groups and 20 in each of the control groups), who had been taking 14 capsules of BioMarine®1140 + 10 capsules of BioCardine®Omega-3 + 6 capsules of NucleVital®Q10COMPLEX per day for a period of 14 days. It was as soon as after 7 days that the application of the preparations resulted in a definite improvement of the patients’ well-being, subsidence of their symptoms (normalised temperature, reduced coughing and runny nose, as well as regression of muscular pain) and the absence of any recurrence of viral infections within a period of 4-6 months.

lek. med. Beata Łubkowska, lek. med. Zofia Lasocińska

Raport z badania nr 1 »»

Raport z badania nr 2 »»


  About NucleVital®Q10COMPLEX

Effectiveness and safety may only be guaranteed when a given preparation has undergone relevant tests.

The effectiveness of NucleVital®Q10COMPLEX has been confirmed in 5 studies conducted on humans.

NucleVital®Q10COMPLEX is a patented composition of ingredients that supplement our daily diet with the building substances of the antioxidant and energy systems, necessary for the body’s proper structure and functioning, including:

 • brain  • skin  • eyes  • heart  • muscles

The capsules contain building substances of the antioxidant system, such as coenzyme Q10, astaxanthin, lycopene, and lutein.


  Unique composition

Unique, patented composition of natural ingredients comprising the antioxidant and energy systems of the human body:

2 capsules of NucleVital®Q10COMPLEX contain natural Norwegian salmon oil and:

koenzym Q10

100 mg


15 mg

witamina D3

25 µg
(1000 IU, 500%**)


2 mg


5 mg


88 µg
(110 µg, 160%**)

witamina E

15 mg d-α TE

nnkt* EPA + DHA omega-3

250 – 450 mg


10 mg


*EFA – essential fatty acids, **% of recommended daily allowance (RDA)


  Natural sources of NucleVital®Q10COMPLEX ingredients

Natural sources:
koenzym Q10 herring, trout, beef, chicken, broccoli, soybean oil, sesame oil, peanuts, pistachios
astaksantyna marine algae, crustaceans (mainly shrimps/prawns), salmon, trout
luteina i zeaksantyna kale, spinach, chicory, basil, lettuce, watercress
likopen tomatoes (dried, canned, fresh), ketchup, red grapefruit, watermelon
witamina E blackberries, green olives, cranberry, kiwifruit, apricots, spinach, chicory, broccoli, red pepper
witamina D3
herring, oysters, salmon
nuts, clams, oysters, turkey, tuna, mushrooms (shitake, champignons), lamb
nnkt* EPA + DHA omega-3 Atlantic herring, salmon, mackerel, trout, tuna, halibut, seaweeds, caviar, other species of fish


  The mechanisms of action of NucleVital®Q10COMPLEX ingredients

The ingredients of NucleVital®Q10COMPLEX are naturally used by the body to activate multi-directional genetic and biochemical processes, leading to the extension of cellular life span and hence the life of the entire body.

  Antioxidant mechanisms

Antioxidants strengthen the defence mechanisms of the body and activate antioxidant mechanisms. This way they protect the body against the development of disease processes and slow down the ageing of the body.


  The physiological role of sirtuins

Ageing is the irreversible accumulation of intracellular damage beyond the body’s ability for self-repair. Ageing causes the internal imbalance of the body, thereby increasing the risk of diseases. It results in the functional impairment of cells, tissues, organs and systems, increases the vulnerability to disasters, and eventually leads to death. However, the ageing process can be slowed down.


The studies began by observing one of the Japanese islands, i.e. the Okinawa. It was noted that the percentage of individuals over a hundred years old was considerably higher than anywhere else in the world. At the same time, the incidence rate for old age diseases is significantly lower. Searching for a solution for this phenomenon, it was demonstrated that the main cause was the diet of the Okinawa residents. It contains nearly 20% less calories than that of the other Japanese citizens and 40% less calories than that of US citizens.

Many years of findings have proven that long-term reduction of calorie supply in a diet below 30–50% of the required values slows down the ageing process and extends the life of numerous organisms. The search for a link between genes, diet and longevity revealed that these areas are closely related, with the common point being the sirtuins.


  The physiological role of sirtuins part 2.

The SIRT-2 gene, located mainly in the cytoplasm, plays an important role in regulating the cell cycle, taking part in the organisation of cytoskeleton and in the inhibition of proliferation of neoplastic cells. Recently, it has been proven that SIRT-2, similarly to SIRT-1, exerts an inhibiting effect on the differentiation of adipocytes and accumulation of lipids, and it was suggested that SIRT-2 increases the cells’ ability to cope with oxidative stress.

In the study of NucleVital®Q10COMPLEX, the activation of sirtuins resulted in increased antioxidant defence: the total plasma antioxidant capacity grew by 36%, while the SOD antioxidant activity went up by 19%. As a result, the plasma lipid peroxidation decreased by 21%, reducing the risk of excessive ageing and diseases related to high accumulation of free radicals.

Regular research is underway to search for both drugs and dietary components that could help maintain high SIRT gene activity and ensure youth, health and vitality for a longer time. So far, only two substances have been indicated, namely: resveratrol – a component of red wine, and the composition of NucleVital®Q10COMPLEX ingredients. 6 capsules of NucleVital®Q10COMPLEX per day, during a 3-month therapy, increases SIRT-1 expression by 13%, while SIRT-2 expression by 17% in mononuclear blood cells, thereby delaying the body ageing rate by 19%.


  Telomeres and telomerase vs ageing

Telomeres are the end-sequences of chromosomes, composed of short DNA repeats and proteins.

Telomeres are necessary for proper functions and stability of the genetic material of cells. They prevent the merging of chromosomes, as well as protect them against abnormal exchange of the genetic material and disintegration. They also allow for complete replication of the genetic material.


Each division of the genetic material is accompanied by irreversible chromosome shortening and loss of repetitive telomere sequences. This constitutes the so-called “biological clock” which determines the strict number of cellular divisions. When the critical shortening of telomeres is achieved (approximately 3 thousand base pairs) and they are no longer able to protect the chromosomes, the genome instability causes the cell to die.

The average annual loss amounts to approx. 56 base pairs of the final DNA. However, the dynamics of this process varies with age. Before the age of 40 years, it amounts, on average, to 84 base pair per year, whereas after the age of 40 years – 41 base pairs. Assuming that human telomeres have the average length of 11 thousand base pairs, it can be calculated that the time necessary for shortening the telomeres to 3 thousand base pairs (Hayflick’s limit) is approximately 125 years.

Telomerase is an enzyme which helps telomeres to renew, thereby extending the potential life cycle of a cell. Unfortunately, this enzyme s not adequately active in all cells. By activating telomerase in the cells, it is possible to slow down the shortening process of chromosomes, thereby slowing down the ageing process of the entire body.

Telomerase deficiency (causing the shortening of telomeres) is related to the occurrence of various diseases, including: type-2 diabetes, haematological conditions, bone marrow diseases, pulmonary fibrosis with chemotherapy intolerance. Short telomeres may also lead to decreased immunity by reducing the number of B and T lymphocytes.


  Telomerase vs ageing

As confirmed by the study results, one of the mechanisms of action demonstrated by sirtuins is the activation of telomerase – the enzyme that extends the cellular life cycle by affecting the activity of NFkβ and TNF-α.

According to the theories of programmed cell death, the life span of human beings is determined by their biological clocks. Once of the study areas on the issue of programmed cell death has focused on telomeres, which are referred to as the “cell life span counter” – when the critical shortening of telomeres is achieved (up to approximately 3 thousand base pairs) and they are no longer able to protect the chromosomes, the genome instability causes the cell to die.

The enzyme that determines the reconstruction of telomeres, and hence a longer cellular life cycle, is telomerase. Unfortunately, it is not adequately active in all cells. Reduced telomerase activity accelerates the ageing processes. By activating telomerase in the cells, it is possible to slow down the shortening process of chromosomes, thereby slowing down the ageing process of the entire body. It was demonstrated that certain dietary components, such as vitamin D3, EFA, EPA and DHA omega-3, folates and vitamin B12, by affecting specific genes, including SIRT, may activate telomerase. In the study of NucleVital®Q10COMPLEX, the vitamin D3 level increased by 80%, whereas the telomerase activity increased by 30%. As a result, during the application of the product, the length of the telomeres did not change, which means that the body did not age.


  Neurotrophins vs the ageing of the brain

As has been indicated, relevant building and precursors substances, along with the activation of the SIRT genes, may also activate the production of neurotrophins which are responsible for effective performance of our brain. The most beneficial influence on the production of neurotrophins is exerted by a combination of diet rich in appropriate building and precursor substances with physical activity.

Neurotrophins are small proteins secreted by the nervous system. Their constant level is required to help the nerve cells to survive. During the development of the nervous system, neurotrophins control the removal of unwanted nerve cells. At a later stage of life, they are used for activating the growth of new dendrites and removal of unwanted ones.

One of such neurotrophins is the BDNF (brain derived neurotrophic factor), a growth factor promoting the maintenance of nerve cells’ vitality. BDNF has an anti-apoptosis activity and is particularly active in the hippocampus and the cerebral cortex.

It is currently believed that low concentration levels of this active peptide are a common pathogenic factor for cognitive disorders, depression, dementia, and type-2 diabetes. The results of studies on animals and of large population research on humans confirmed the hypothesis that the BDNF affects human glucose metabolism.

Today we know that we can easily affect the brain BDNF concentration levels. Numerous studies show a positive correlation between the body BDNF concentration and a diet rich in EFA, EPA, DHA omega-3 and polyphenols, as well as physical activity. As indicated by a study conducted on 100 women, the body makes use of the composition of elements included in NucleVital®Q10COMPLEX to increase the production of BDNF, thereby enhancing the mental acuity.


  W walce z chorobą potrzebujesz pomocy ekspertów

Eksperci Działu Nauki, Badań i Rozwoju MARINEX International to wysokiej klasy specjaliści o wieloletnim doświadczeniu. Cieszą się ogromnym zaufaniem klientów, ponieważ dbają o ich zdrowie każdego dnia. Całą tą specjalistyczną wiedzę można tutaj otrzymać absolutnie bezpłatnie.

Fizjolog, dr n. biol. Joanna Zielińska – Tomaszewska

Farmaceuta, diagnosta skażeń środowiska, dr n. biol. Barbara Bukowska

Fizjolog, licencjonowany dietetyk mgr Konrad Tomaszewski

Zapraszamy na konsultacje od poniedziałku do piątku w godz. 7:00-14:30


tel. 600 102 012, 602 785 558,
42 680 03 33

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93-446 Łódź, ul. Placowa 4, Polska,
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